Thursday, May 12, 2005

nGine public release!

Avast ye lads!

This will be one of the last, if not THE last post here. I present you a link to the fully working nGine with all necessary files. 8mb total, 40 after unpacking. Have fun!

Edit : if you have no idea how to run it..

1. Unpack to some dir
2. Go to /bin/ directory
3. Run nGine.exe
4. Worship.

thar be no law 'pon the internets!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Glow, glow everywhere! Too bad i cant code shaders..

Another sweet pic from final version!

nGine Final Version is Here!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


First test say :

150k polies
250mb ram
90 fps

Enabling and disabling collision detection has no effect on framerate whatsoever. Culling gives around 100% boost.

Time to tinker with Max again, and finish the bloody paper.

Hasta maƄana.

Monday, April 25, 2005



"It's four o clock in the morning.. " and I have finished few quite important things.

Collision detection works flawlessly.
My ubar AABB culling method works flawlessly.
Collsion reaction works, but it somewhat shoddy. You cant slide against the wall, currently it just bumps you back.
Added a toggle for CD on and off. First test shown that enabling and disabling the CD routines has no impact on framerate, whatsoever.

Geometry needs fixing and tuning, lightmaps need to be re-rendered after the geometry is fixed. Can't really show a demo with all those artifacts.

Tommorow I will commence performance test and tweak the nGine a bit. I need to finish the tests&results chapter till thursday 14:00.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

Hi Kids! Today's lesson will be on artifacts. See those nasty black marks on the 'glowing' crystals? Yeah, these are lightmap artifacts and I'll be fighting them after the CD routines.

Pic from the cave. The lightmap (512^2) is a total disaster. Artifacts everywhere, innacurate lighting, and everything is so.. dry. Euuw. Coding rest of the CD atm.

Second pic of Uldman(tm). You can see some crapped up lightmap elements.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Welcome to Uldaman, Mr. Anderson. Here's a pic from the working engine, in lighted and textured environment. I will make more of these when i cope with the goddamn memory leaks in the tree structure >:-E

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Ok, everything is working now, had to disable texturing on each texture unit to make it work. \o/ yay!

Lighted and textured scene with BV width 3px for emphasis. But why the color is gone? O_o

Textured scene with uninitialised texs (AABB again)

Uninitialised textures in GL_LINES mode, with AABB tree.

Slow progress.


SO LIEK.. the progress in the last few days/weeks has been slow. I was/am working on the paper, with all the formulas, theory and whatnot. It's not really fun, but it has to be done.

My deadline runs out in three weeks, that means that i need to have the paper ready in two weeks, and 95% of the engine ready. The other 5% can be fine-tuned and enchanced for the presentation in late may/june.

Today I've finished coding the AABB Tree creation classes, tommorow I'll code AABB drawing class for visualisation of the tree and intersection classes.

Moreoever, I'll have to write chapter 4 of my paper containing the whole implementation in conjuction with theory.. 3 days left. Yay(z0rz)! \o/

My World Of Warcraft account expired today, and i wont be renewing it for like 2 weeks because I'll never finish this grad project then.

Cheers to everyone reading this bloggie :) (if any)