Saturday, April 16, 2005

Slow progress.


SO LIEK.. the progress in the last few days/weeks has been slow. I was/am working on the paper, with all the formulas, theory and whatnot. It's not really fun, but it has to be done.

My deadline runs out in three weeks, that means that i need to have the paper ready in two weeks, and 95% of the engine ready. The other 5% can be fine-tuned and enchanced for the presentation in late may/june.

Today I've finished coding the AABB Tree creation classes, tommorow I'll code AABB drawing class for visualisation of the tree and intersection classes.

Moreoever, I'll have to write chapter 4 of my paper containing the whole implementation in conjuction with theory.. 3 days left. Yay(z0rz)! \o/

My World Of Warcraft account expired today, and i wont be renewing it for like 2 weeks because I'll never finish this grad project then.

Cheers to everyone reading this bloggie :) (if any)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Luck !
You will need it anyway....

10:15 PM  

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