Monday, March 07, 2005

Another wooden log at my feet ;-/

Today i wanted to finish my poli-texturing system for the nGine, and work on lightmap multitexturing tommorow.
After whole day of fighting with IO's and that goddamn glDrawElements, I managed to get everything to work. Almost.What i wasnt aware of is that the face-index indexes also the texture coords, which are in no way connected to that. This resulted in some really bogus mappings and basically the texturing doesnt work as its supposed to. As you can see in the pics below.
One idea is to repack and consolidate everything just like it was with the glDrawArrays approach. This would make data redundant, about 40% of vertices would be doubled, so its a big nono.Other than that glMultiTexCoord works in per-vertex basis and i fear it may go wrong too, effectively destroying my lightmapping.
In an hour of dire need i've posted with my problem on ( Hopefully someone more experienced will read that and share his knowledge with me.

And the damn blog is buggy, geh.


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