Saturday, March 05, 2005

Slow progress.

I've spent most of the day cursing at 3dsmax, vray, mentalray and scanline-radiosty.

First of all, I've found out that vray cannot render lightmap to texture, no matter what i chose, i got complete map at the end. So.. YAY! Need to redo whole lighting in my scene, just great.
Then i tried mentalray.. but this thingie is sluggish and uncomfortable.. and hell.. the renders were complete maps too..
Then my last hope was built in crappy radiosity renderer. Failed me of course, frambuffer was showing only complete map. At this point i got a bit depressed.. oh, did i mention that you have to click everything very slow in the render to texture dialog because otherwise it crashes? :)

Finally in the evening i decided to check the output files from the renders. And guess what, they were more or less correct, at least those from radiosity, vray isnt working and thats that. Mental ray is not comfy , so im staying with scanline - which is to be honest even less comfy with those pesky photometric lights, candelas, lux's and other things.. guess re-lighting the scene will eat another day.

Meanwhile TJViking tried to convince me to drop all these renderers and precompute GI lighting by brute force. After reading a chapter on it in Siggraph materials i've decided that i'll stay with rendering maps.. too much hassle and not enough time.

At the end of the day i've re-edited the export script, made a test scene, and altered the import class in nGine. Sorting faces, rendering elements and other nasty things bound to glRenderElements await me tommorow.. and cab-driving family at 8am..


Blogger Nestor said...

Why would i lie?
Just check the 'My Site' link for crying out loud.. :)

1:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thadius: You sound sourprised why is that? :>

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:11 PM  

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