Monday, March 14, 2005

Sector1 texturing finished.

Today I've finished texturing sector1 with textures borrowed for non-profit from a popular game, hope no one will hold a grudge. Was hell of a task to browse through all these textures there, thousands of textures with every theme imaginable, and all of exceptional quality. Then i had to filter them by theme and create tilesets to texture everything nice. After texturing major zones, i made some transit textures between those zones.
For example, in the hall there is a stone pavement on the floor, while in the cave there is dirt, so i made a mix of those two in photoshop and now there's a dusty pavement between the zones.
The plan for next few days is :
- finish modelling the rest of the cave body
- texture everything
- make some decorations and texture them
- light everything
- bake lightmaps
- sort textures (will have 50+ of them i think)
- start coding CD/Shaders

'nuff of ranting, time to whack some wolves.


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